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ab exercises littlemisspatricia thefitjuan

7 Simple Ab Exercises (Suitable for Home and Gym)

7 Simple Ab Exercises (Suitable for Home and Gym)

Two of the most commonly asked questions we get through direct message on Instagram (especially during competition season!!!!1!!) are

  1. “How to get abs?”
  2. “What ab exercises do you do?”

ab exercises

Because abs are everything, apparently. Sigh. Haha

We’ve been there, so we know what it’s like to be a little ab-obsessed. Pat especially, since she stores a lot of fat in her midsection. Me, not so much. That’s just genetics for you. Now that we’re both deep into the off season, we just monitor our midsections as one way of measuring progress.

Another common question is:

  • “I’ve been training for a while and I’m trying to track macros or diet but I still can’t see my abs.”

We’ve addressed that in this article but feel free to leave a comment if you’re still stumped.

The Ab Exercises

On to the ab routine! If you’re expecting a comprehensive ab routine full of super secret ab exercises, this isn’t it. If we’re going to be totally honest, we don’t train abs often. In fact, the only time we really do abs is when it’s close to show day. Everything else is thanks to squatting, benching and deadlifting.

We’re trying to fix that though. This off season, we’ve both been trying to incorporate more core exercises into our programs. When we feel like doing additional core work, these are some of our go-to exercises. (Planks not pictured but are also included.)

Let’s get to them!

About thefitjuan

I think small progress is still progress no matter what.