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Things You Shouldn't Be Doing Inside or Outside of the Gym 10

6 Things You Shouldn’t Be Doing Inside or Outside of the Gym

3. Too much ab work

Everyone has abs; it’s just that some people have less fat so the muscle underneath shows through a little more. Burn the fat, develop the muscle underneath, and you’ll see them soon enough. Ab exercises are great, but a ton of crunches won’t matter much if you don’t make adjustments to your nutrition as well.

Also, of your goal is a small waist, skip the weighted ab work and do bodyweight ab exercises instead. Your midsection is composed of muscles too, so when you’re constantly training them with heavy weights, you might notice your waist becoming thicker (building muscle under the fat) instead of smaller (burning fat so that what’s left is mostly muscle).

6 Things You Shouldn't Be Doing Inside or Outside of the Gym lifting photos

About littlemisspatricia

I love to lift and eat all the things.


  1. “You’re there to work, not look cute.” this should be printed and hanged in every gym.